

Women Who Write, Inc. (2019)


“Your Creative Source – Tapping into Your Full Potential with Nia”

An experiential journey, allowing the writer’s mind to rest. Tapping into the wisdom of the body, we find that deep pool of imagination. Writers, and artists of all kind, are bound to bump into blocks and obstacles. Demonstrating the Nine Movement Forms of Nia, we 'go shopping' for moves, open up movement variety and find more courage to color outside the lines, letting ideas flow.


The Annual Renfrew Center Foundation Conference for Professionals (2006)


Participated in a panel discussion on an article published (please see publications) on the impact of the therapist’s body on the treatment of patients with eating disorders.


The Annual Renfrew Center Foundation Conference for Professionals (2003)


Participated in an experiential workshop, offering a Nia Movement Experience to over 300 attendees.